
Paladin Logic has always believed as the founder of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, once said: “… employees come first and if employees are treated right, they treat the outside world right, the outside world uses the company’s product again, and that makes the shareholders happy.

Paladin Logic, Limited operates on the basis of five core principles: the dignity of the human person, the common good, subsidiarity, participation, and solidarity. We provide a superior work environment for our employee-partners so that they are free to apply their exceptional engineering expertise to our customers’ most challenging problems.


We help entrepreneurs and small business owners effectively apply technology to increase profit.


Working closely with our customers, we identify opportunities to apply technology to improve profitability by reducing costs or increasing revenue. Or both. We identify high-leverage solutions to implement as SaaS products. We generate solutions and spin them up and off to generate capital for growth. By caring for and about our customers’ businesses, we never lack for opportunities to better serve them. We have and will always exist to provide our employee-partners with a work environment that helps them to achieve their potential.


Solution synthesis; systems integration – Paladin Logic brings together exceptional tools, skills, knowledge, and talent to create real solutions to real problems for real customers.


Analysis of any problem proceeds by breaking it down into its constituent components. It is a creatively disruptive process that isolates the highest leverage targets for resolution.